
By Daniella Smigielski

The water crashes loudly
No where to place its anger except on the sand
Packing it into a pressurized plate

What if the ocean got so angry

it swallowed everything

its final favor.

                                                                       What if the end was painless?


Exactly how it has been
Like everything else 
                                                                              And nothing at all…

No thing




when the waves don’t crash      


Daniella Smigielski


Daniella Smigielski is twenty-one years old, and she graduated from UCSB last year and has since been working at a law firm and is currently hearing back from law schools to attend starting Fall 2022. She loves writing, especially poetry. Recently, she has tried to be more affirmative when describing herself. She thinks everyone focuses too much on success in the traditional sense and waits to title themselves accordingly; but we write, so we're writers. We create, so we're creators. That being said, she is a writer. She is a dancer. And she is an incredibly passionate individual.


Those I Have Not Met


Ghost Story